frequently asked questions
where can i purchase your honey?
Our honey is available at The Good Earth in Fernie, BC. You can also contact us directly to arrange purchase.
Where can i purchase your candles?
A small selection of candles is available at The Good Earth and SOAR studios in Fernie. Please contact us directly for a complete selection of candles. Please use this link for a description and current price list of candles
Why don’t you have an online store?
Due to time restraints we are unable to offer an online store at this time. We are happy to ship our products so please feel free to contact us
Do you remove swarms?
Yes, we can safely remove a honeybee swarm from your location. We do not however, remove wasps, hornets or bumblebees .Please contact us.
do you sell bees?
While we do not always have bees for sale, we occasionally have New Zealand packages. Orders must be in by mid January. Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing packages.
Do you teach beekeeping?
We teach a basic beekeeping course through continuing education at the College of the Rockies each spring.